Colour Psychology: How does it work?
Colour psychology is a bit more complex than simply ‘red means love’ or ‘green corresponds with greed.’ While it’s true that some people might make such associations, how any one person subconsciously responds to a colour depends on a whole host of factors, from culture and location to past experiences.
Here are the most commonly used colours and how they can tap into the subconscious mind.
Red – The boldest of the colours, red has been known to not only have an impact on an individual’s appetite, it can also help to paint things in a more urgent light.
Blue – Calm and peaceful, blue has been used by many large companies for the sense of security it provides. Blue light has also been shown to increase productivity.
Purple – Purple’s effects are directed at the creative mind. Whether it’s solving complex logistical problems or deciding on the twist in your next chapter, this hue will help harness your creative energies.
Green – Because this color is especially easy on the eyes (it really does cause the least amount of eye strain!), it’s ideal for creating harmony and peace.
Orange & Yellow – If there’s ever been a more joyful colour than orange and yellow, we have yet to find it. These two hues are particularly great at adding a bit of optimism to your day.
While it’s worth mentioning again that not everyone will have the exact same reactions to each colour, the consensus seems to be that the attributes above are pretty common among most of the public.